The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Young Professionals Suriname Chapter (AAPG YP Suriname) is a non-profit geological organization that is affiliated with the AAPG global community. AAPG provides publications, conferences and educational opportunities to geoscientists and disseminates the most current geological information available to the general public.
AAPG YP Suriname was founded in December, 2019. In addition to industry experts from NOC Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V., the chapter’s members include graduate students within the discipline ‘Petroleum Geosciences & Engineering’ at the local institution Anton de Kom University of Suriname.
The mission statement of AAPG YP Suriname is to ease the transition from student to industry professional by facilitating and engaging with various knowledge sharing opportunities between students and geoscientists.
Aside from providing technical sessions and workshops, AAPG YP Suriname also includes charitable initiatives in their annual schedule, particularly for students, who form the foundation of the future geoscience community.