Does Travel & Cadushi Tours
Does Travel & Cadushi Tours was founded in 1960 and has built up an extensive network around the world in all those decades. Therefore, our organization can arrange for you flights, tours, cruises, hotel accommodations and group travel all over the world.
Does Travel & Cadushi Tours is a member of the following branche organizations:
- IATA approved since 1961 (International Air Transport Association)
- ASTA (American Society of Travel Advisors)
- ETOA (European Tourism Association)
- USTOA (United States Tour Operators Association)
- 1 DMC World (1 Destination Management Company World)
- World of DMC’s (World of Destination Management Companies)
- TIES (The International Ecotourism Society)
- ATTA (Adventure Travel and Trade Association)
- SHATA (Suriname Hospitality and Tourism Association)
- VSB (Vereniging Surinaams Bedrijfsleven)